August 15, 2022

How to Get More Done


Have you been procrastinating a lot more lately? Finding time goes super slow during the day until you watch your favourite netflix show. Before you know it’s 10pm and you haven’t even made dinner yet. Here are some of the top tips to keep you productive throughout the day.

Make a list

Having somewhere to write down lists is step 1. Some people like having huge calendars up above their desk so they can visually see what they have coming up and can easily jot down things to do. Others are more simple and have a small notebook with notes from the day before about what needs to get done. Writing down your to do the day before always helps to mentally prepare you. It makes sure you don’t forget anything and have a more organized clear day ahead.  There is no right or wrong answer. Keep it simple and have some fun with it. 

Video Meetings

Video meetings are something of the future and are definitely here to stay. If you're the organizer of most of your zoom meetings it's time to up the ante and use zoom to the fullest. If you're in bigger zoom calls most of the time try to utilize the breakout room feature. Get people more engaged within your company. This increases productivity by tenfold. Employees should be amped up to join each and every zoom call, having a schedule sent out beforehand is also a very important aspect to make sure people know what to expect for every segment of the zoom call. With that said, try to make it mandatory to have everyone’s camera turned on. It's been a long year and plus some, we all need some human interaction. If this comes from turning on your zoom camera, well that's a million times better than seeing a million black little screens. 

Rearrange your desk

Switching up your work routine is pivotal. This should be a monthly ritual to keep things fresh. When you look at the same setup day after day it can get quite brain numbing. This doesn’t even have to be a major change. For example just move your books and notepads to the otherside of the desk. It keeps you more awake and alive when you notice small changes. Not only does it do that but it makes you feel more productive and something to look forward to each month.